5 Common Sense Behaviors To Minimize Public Health Risks
The pandemic, the world has experienced, for most of 2020, has been, perhaps, the most, horrific, public health crisis, in recent memory! If, only, public leaders focused on inspiring others, consistently, to do the right things, to reduce the risks, etc, instead of focusing on populism, and their perceived, personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interests, and , proceeded, proactively, rather than procrastinating, denying, etc, we would probably. have experienced, far fewer infections and deaths! Unfortunately, while this is, merely, common sense, as we often, discover, that is perhaps the rarest (least common), way, for politicians, etc, to behave and proceed! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5, relatively – simple, basic behaviors/actions, which everyone should follow, and consider their personal, social responsibility.
1. Wear a mask: Instead of refusing to set an example, for others to follow, President Donald Trump, has, mostly, refused to wear a mask, and, thus, his core supporters, follow his lead! Public health experts, and scientists, tell us, if everyone wore a mask, the chance of spread of this virus, would be, significantly reduced! If, even, two – thirds of the population, consistently cooperated, especially, when Social Distancing, is not possible, these horrible numbers, would be far lower! Doesn’t it make sense, to do so, if it protects the health, and well-being, of the public, at – large? It should be considered, a logical, relatively simple, key step. If we enforce laws, for public safety, why shouldn’t this behavior, be treated, likewise?
2. Social Distancing: We have been told, the spread of the virus, would be significantly reduced, if we used, Social Distancing. The traditional suggestion is, to keep it, at least six feet apart, but, several recent studies, indicate, under certain conditions, it remains, in the air, for a far greater distance, and longer – period, than we previously believed!
3. Social responsibility: Behaving, in a way, which benefits public health, and well – being, and is the right thing, to do, as well as being, common sense, should be considered, by everyone, as their personal, social responsibility!
4. Wash/sanitize hands: It has always made health – related, sense, to wash one’s hands, often, but, the experts, tell us, it is wise, to thoroughly, wash, and sanitize one’s hands, on a regular basis. Any time, we touch something, common sense should tell us, to wash our hands, thoroughly, and use, hand – sanitizer!
5. Be careful – Err, on the side of caution: Err, on the side of caution, when it comes to taking care of your, and the public’s, overall health, and well – being! While, the President, seems, not to care, about, the details, and effectively planning, our public health experts, around the world, recommend, carefully, reviewing, analyzing, and considering, as many details, as possible!
Wake up, America, and demand public leaders proceed with greater, common sense, and each of us, need to do, likewise. Isn’t some temporary discomfort, better than the undesirable, potential ramifications, etc?